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Sacroilliac Joint Issues

Something we see regularly are SIJ issues, where the sacro-illiac joint is misalligned/locked up. This can be the sacrum twisting and creating torsion in soft tissues - sending pain in the back, groin or leg - often causing plantar fasciitis, or the illia (puter pelvic bone) shifting into the sacrum due to instability or pelvic girdle weakness/position.

This happens in all ranges of humans - kids, elderly, the sedentary, athletes. All get this at some point. Despite being fit, active and having good posture, one mistake such as picking a sock up or twisting quickly without core activation or glute firing and bosh - you start feeling tightness in the lower lumbar. This can come on slowly, ease a little as your body compesates well, then get worse as you continue doing normal things, driving, walking, running etc. eventually imobalising you.

The treatment is osteopathic and effective most of the time, we massage to free tight tissue in the lower back and pelvic area then mobilise the locked SIJ. Something very difficult to do at home yourself. We help allign you, address the cause and help you maintain it with excercises, education and help.

If you feel this is what you have give us a call or whats app on 07887791423. We may be able to help.

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